Data Services

  • Data (Raw Materials, Analytical Results, Electrical Measurements, Physical Data)
  • Information (Organized, Summarized Intake forms, Screens, Reports, Charts, Content)
  • Knowledge (Insight, Intelligence, Vision, Performance Improvement, Cell Cycle Forecasts, Trends)
  • Knowledge Management (Teaching, Sharing, Implementing, Collaborating, Process Manuals, Meetings, Quality Reviews, Goal Setting)

Structured/Unstructured Data Management

85% of Intellectual Property and 70% of all Enterprise Data is Un-Structured.

Matrix can help your organization capture, standardize and turn your data into knowledge.

The Chief Data Officer is a corporate officer responsible for enterprise-wide governance and utilization of information as an asset, via data processing, analysis, data mining, information trading and other means.

Matrix can supply CDO services for small and large organizations.